The Answer Writing Manual for UPSC Civil Services & State PSC Examinations

DESCRIPTION "WANT TO SCORE BETTER IN UPSC AND STATE CIVIL SERVICE MAINS EXAMS? LOOK NO FURTHER. The Answer Writing Manual is a step by step guide for Civil service Mains Examination which has both preparation and Answer Writing strategies in detail. The book is written to address all categories of aspirants, as a complete guide for the beginners and as a tool to help improve marks substantially for the veterans. WHAT DOES IT CONTAIN? Lots of flowcharts, diagrams and personal notes Step by step approach to writing relevant answers Sample Answers and Essays for reference Note on Optional and Compulsory papers. WHAT DO TOPPERS SAY? The Answer writing manual is a very good book, Straight forward and easy to understand. And will be very helpful to the aspirants, Best wishes. Athar Aamir Khan , IAS 2016 Batch (Rank 2 UPSC CSE 2015). The right manual to learn from and improve the answer writing skills in a quick, concise and organised manner. It covers preparation of all the GS pa...