Complete Candida Yeast Guidebook, Revised 2nd Edition: Everything You Need to Know About Prevention, Treatment & Diet

DESCRIPTION Is Candida Yeast Ruining Your Good Health? Were you told that your health problems are all in your head? You suffer from low energy, depression and digestive problems. and/or excessive skin irritation? If so, you may have an overgrowth of the yeast, candida albicans. Caused by diet, drug use, and environmental factors, this hidden epidemic affects 90 percent of Americans and Canadians, affecting men, women, and children equally. Now you have effective alternatives to grief. This eye-opening guide will help you defeat candida and achieve mental health. Physically and emotionally better you will find: • A comprehensive supplement of nature, herbs and vitamins that fight candida. • Lots of tips to improve your lifestyle. Maintain good physical and mental health • Complete with delicious food and menus. • New treatments for asthma, cancer, diabetes and more. • Important aids in controlling: Frequent headaches Chronic fatigue Digestive problems ...