DESCRIPTION "A man's fortune is not in the coins he keeps in his pocket. But it was his earnings. A stream of gold flowed constantly into his pocket and kept it bloated." Proverbs of Babylon for those seeking financial wisdom and security in life... The power of time-tested principles on how to earn and maintain wealth has now inspired generations of readers. The Complete Guide to Understanding Finances also mentions the "Five Golden Rules" and provides us with more than just chalky information. Nearly 100 years after The Rest Man in Babylon, the best-selling book is still a classic. The most inspiring book ever written about destiny. Product details Publisher : Rupa Publications India (10 October 2021); Rupa Publications India Language : English Paperback : 160 pages ISBN-10 : 9355200552 ISBN-13 : 978-9355200556 Reading age : Customer suggested age: 13 years and up Item Weight : 110 g Dimensions : 12.9 x 1.02 x 19.8 cm Countr...